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10 Reasons Why Golf is Good for Business

I remember the first time a friend of mine took me to a golf course — I was nervous and intimidated. The first thing I noticed was that I was the only female and I felt like I didn’t belong there. At the same time, I was very curious about men’s fascination with the sport. I remember every Wednesday morning, a prior boss, had his scheduled golf day with his colleagues at the country club. I asked him, what he loved about the game, his response:  it’s good for business.  It was then that I realized I wanted to learn more about the game.

So what’s the big deal about golf anyway?  For starters, I do have to admit that being on the golf course very early in the morning or late in the evening is a little bit of heaven. The peace and quiet of the course at those times is so relaxing. Obviously I don’t recommend you jump on the course right away, first you will need to take lessons before you can actually enjoy the joys of the silence.  Most golf courses offer lessons, I took a full day lesson for the basics and it was very helpful. Obviously it didn’t make me a pro overnight, but it gave me the confidence to get on the course more often to practice.

As I was practicing on the course with my instructor I looked around and analyzed other players interactions with each other, it was then I realized and understood the interest of the sport.  Business people were bonding and closing business deals as they also had fun playing. In today’s competitive business environment we can’t afford NOT to play golf. Golf is one of the few sports that is widely accepted in the workplace as a place to build relationships, and close deals.  Here are a few reasons why golf is good for business:

Top 10 Reasons Why Golf is Good for Business:

  1. Where else can you spend five quality hours with a company CEO or valued customers? With today’s busy schedules most of us are lucky if we can grab lunch or five minutes for that matter!
  2. You can plan a client meeting in an ‘office’ surrounded by peace, silence, water, nature and sand instead of four white walls or a noisy restaurant. Better than Yoga ladies.
  3. Being the only female playing isn’t a bad thing ladies, if you want to break into the mens club the odds are good. It’s said that only 23% of golfers are women so four times out of five you’ll stand out as the only woman in the group. Trust me, it’s a good thing.
  4. You can trade in your business attire and heels for colorful sportswear and comfy shoes. You can find tons of colorful fashion to wear on the course.
  5. If you want undivided attention from three of your colleagues, you can’t beat the first tee (and the seventeen after that) to get them to hear your pitch.
  6. Build your resume with a leadership position at the next industry or charity tournament looking for volunteers. There’s so many opportunities to meet amazing people at these tournaments and you will also be contributing to a good cause.
  7. Only 10% of all golfers actually score below 100. So relax, and have fun as you are most likely in the majority.
  8. If you have a positive attitude and practice good etiquette the golf course is unique opportunity to impress your associates with your professional character, regardless of your skill level. You really get to know someone well in such a short time. Plus, you get to see how people behave under pressure as well.
  9. When the water cooler talk turns to bogies and birdies, you’ll be able to participate and get invited to play. That’s unless you play really well, because then they’ll be too intimidated to play with you.
  10. It’s an opportunity to triple dip with your time! Network for business, engage in a healthy activity and build confidence and skills all at the same time.

Do you need anymore reasons to enjoy a good game?

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