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Welcome to my Sparklinglala community, where I express my love for drink & food recipes, travel, culture and tech or simply just pay it forward to support a small business with a creative mind.  I enjoy working with people who follow their passions and live their dream.  It’s what inspires our next generation of storytellers.

I was a single young mother, born in Zacatecas, Mexico, who was was raised by a hardworking mother who taught me to always follow my dreams, pay it forward and never let anyone dull my sparkle.

You can read more about me here.

Contact: lalasparkles[at]gmail[dot]com


I aim to inspire anyone who has a passion & connect them with others that have similar interests.


If you are a company who would like to advertise on my site; have me work with you as an ambassador; or have me attend an event, please feel free to contact me to discuss these opportunities.  Please keep in mind that my site is focused around food, travel, culture and technology before submitting your requests.

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Memorable Moments

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